Worship is central to community life at the Seminary. The community gathers in Caldwell Chapel to encounter God, individually and corporately, through Word and Sacrament. On special days during the liturgical year, additional services of worship, like the Service of Lessons and Carols, include spouses, children, and the larger community. Regular participation in worship is central to the spiritual formation of students.
In consultation with the Worship Coordinators and Chapel Ministers our three-day-a-week chapel services are designed and led by students, faculty, administrators, and staff with equal opportunity to preach and lead the liturgies. Faculty and administrator sermons are recorded, and the audio is available on the Chapel Sermons page.
Services in Caldwell Chapel are held during the Fall and Spring Semesters on Wednesday and Thursday at 12 noon (ET).
Caldwell Chapel
“Worship the Lord with gladness; come before God with joyful songs.”
Psalm 100:2
Welcome to the Frank H. and Fannie W. Caldwell Chapel. In this sacred space the Louisville Seminary community and its neighbors gather to give praise to a triune God. All are welcome here as we meet weekly to be in communion with the Holy One and in corporate worship with one another. Caldwell Chapel also is a learning environment, where students get hands-on experience in the act of worship and worship planning. Please join us as we celebrate!
Chapel services are held Wednesday and Thursday at 12 noon (ET) Thursday’s service is usually of Word & Sacrament (communion). All are welcome to attend services in Caldwell Chapel.
Worship is further enhanced by the spiritual symbols of faith in the art and architecture of Caldwell Chapel, including its beautiful stained glass windows which remind all worshipers of God's call to minister to the world. For a transcript of a panel discussion on the art and architecture of Caldwell Chapel, click the following link: Art and Architecture of Caldwell Chapel.
Chapel Ministers

Everyone can be a Chapel Minister and help plan our worship services at Louisville Seminary! We are a community which creates liturgy and plans worship together, and we want you to be a part of Chapel Ministers.
What do Chapel Ministers do?
- We help nourish the vision of those preaching in the chapel.
- We plan, prepare, and lead worship - two services each week.
- We glorify God through our gifts and the gifts of other members of our community.
- We engage old and new worship practices from a variety of faith traditions.
- We gain tools to do ministry with confidence and experience.
- We have a good time working together to worship God!
Senior Chapel Services
Senior chapel services are celebratory events where a Senior designs and leads a service of worship in Caldwell Chapel. Seniors are encouraged to design services that reflect their traditions, theologies and commitments. Senior chapel services are at their best when the senior has thoughtfully prepared their service of worship prior to attending their scheduled meeting with Chapel Ministers. Seniors must follow our guidelines and expectations as they prepare to design and lead their senior chapel service.
Basic facts about Chapel Ministers meetings
- Meetings are every Monday in the Worship Resource Center, next to Fellowship Hall in the Chapel building, and include a free lunch.
- Children, spouses, significant others, friends, pets . . . everyone you know is welcome. There is absolutely NO COMMITMENT REQUIRED (but we'll love you if you do commit, too). You can show up as often or as little as you are able.
- If you can only make a part of the meeting, that's fine too!
- There is not, at present, any class credit for attending. All Chapel Ministers are volunteers.
- Chapel Ministers can come from all walks of life, whether a part of an official denomination or not. To have services that reflect the beautiful variety in our community, we encourage greater diversity in the Chapel Ministers meetings.
How do you get involved?
Contact Marcus Hong - or just show up. Can't make the meeting? Email your thoughts to us at mhong@lpts.edu, or chapel@lpts.edu for general inquiries.
Chapel Covenant

We covenant together to:
- be an intentional Worshiping Community.
- create a dynamic and transformative worship experience.
- share enough of ourselves to cultivate deeper relationships.
- express and cultivate our unique and collective gifts in transformative liturgy marked by authenticity, intentionality, inclusivity, hospitality and artistic expression.
- discern what conditions create our best and freshest work, to routinely evaluate our work and to regularly give careful, honest feedback to enhance the community's experience of worship.
- routinely accept and fulfill roles and responsibilities within this community and worship.
- participate regularly in the worship life of this community.
- seek to be transformed by the Word of God in its many forms, especially as we consider how the scripture texts speak to this community of faith in corporate worship.
Upcoming Worship & Sermon Archives
Louisville Seminary's faculty, staff and students as well as special guests of of Louisville Seminary, deliver messages of God's grace, which remains present event in the midst of challenging times.
Liturgical Calendar
To celebrate the seasons throughout the Liturgical Year, Louisville Seminary offers a free, downloadable Liturgical Calendar for all to use for themselves and share with family, friends, congregations, and communities.